TempO-Seq development is currently supported by grants and contracts from the National Institutes of Health, specifically the National Human Genome Research Institute, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and the National Center for Advancing Translational Science.
Whole blood filter paper assay for Alzheimer’s Disease. 3R44AG065039, 2R44AG065039, 1R43AG065039 (ongoing)
TempO-LINC high throughput high sensitivity single cell gene expression profiling assay Ph II. 5R44GM140771, 2R44GM140771 (ongoing)
TempO-LINC high throughput, high sensitivity single cell gene expression profiling assay. 1R43GM140771 (completed)
TempO-Vseq Screen for Genomic Risk of CAD Using Blood from a Finger Prick. 1R43HL154878 (completed)
TempO-Seq Profiling of RNA Epitranscriptomic Modifications. 5R44HG009763, 4R44HG009763, 1R44HG009763 (completed)
“TempO-Seq Gene Expression Profiling of Intracellular Stained FACS Sorted Cells” 2R44HG008917 (completed)
“TempO-Seq: A Multiplex Gene Expression Profiling Platform” 2R44HG007339 (completed)
“TempO-Seq for preserved tissues in toxicity & translational testing” 2R44ES024107 (completed)
“Multiplexed mRNA and miRNA Profiling of Single Cells” 2R44HG007815 (completed)
“RASL-Seq Expression Profiling of FFPE Tissues” 1R33CA183688 (completed)
“TempO-STAT Citrus Greening Infection Test” NIFA/USDA 2017-33610-26749 (completed)
“TempO-Seq Gene Expression Profiling of Intracellular Stained FACS Sorted Cells” R43HG008917 (completed)
“cfNA TempO-Seq Assay” NCI Contract HHSN261201600059C (completed)